Solar Scammers and What to Avoid

Crush Solar is an energy company much like any other broker business is to any other industry. Every day we interview installation companies, finance companies, review different panel and other technologies, and we evaluate different partnerships, plans and incentives from electric companies and governments to represent to our clients (You) what are the best options and who are the most reputable companies to proceed in your solar installation. This is not paid by You, but rather is paid by the companies that do the installation work. We refuse to work with all installation companies, namely because many of them are just not good at their job. They cut corners, they make promises they cannot deliver, and they don’t stand behind the products they install. We take the leg work out of doing this research—as this is part of our value provided to our clients.

The scammers that are out there are acting like they themselves ARE the energy companies that made the grid. They are not. They are likely door to door guys who have to use any tactic possible just to get you to answer the door, and they are usually captive to one or a couple of solutions because they don’t have the back office support to truly do their homework. Crush Solar is different because we are a centralized office that focuses on making sure we represent ourselves correctly and represent the best of this industry to make real change in how electricity is produced.


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