Electric Bill Sticker Shock Won’t Be Changing Anytime Soon

Article after article keeps referencing the rising costs of energy bills across the U.S., which we here at Crush Solar don’t see changing any time soon. There are a number of factors that will keep driving up energy costs, and an even greater number of reasons why a household should move to solar, from just a purely economic standpoint. Let’s break down a few of those reasons.

First off, the cost of goods inflation you have been witnessing over the past year, will take years longer to be baked into the large capital expenditures and costs of operating a traditional power company. These costs will have to be paid by everyone who is using the grid—and as more and more households adopt to solar, there will be less households to spread the costs over meaning abnormal price increases for the people that haven’t made the switch to solar.

Secondly, there is not massive plan to move such a giant grid system to a renewable energy source. Nuclear energy is the thought that most people are having, yet there are too many concerns aside from energy costs that stop that from being the leading source of energy. Currently only about 10% of all energy comes from nuclear sources, and it doesn’t look like that share will change anytime soon. 80% of the world’s energy is coming from non-renewable resources. With the global population not slowing anytime soon, the added pressures on switching to renewables will increase ever more in years to come.

Lastly, energy companies are still mostly a monopoly. Monopolies, even though in this case they are regulated, will still do whatever they need to do to maintain in business—which means they will need to come up with ways to support their business, which will come from the form of government subsidies (of course), but will ultimately lead to household users (those on the grid) to pay up more.

It is time to switch to solar and just face the fact that you need to be energy independent. You need to quit worrying about a grid that is going to be under pressure from growing demand. You need to quit worrying about the sticker shock. Switching to solar you lock in your monthly rates for as long as you are financing the panels (if you finance the purchase), and then once the panels are paid off, you are set in terms of this being one less problem you never have to think about.

If you want to see just what this new set plan would look like, book a short free solar evaluation with our team and we’ll help you see what a future where you are energy independent looks like.


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